
Hello, world. Not ever having blogged before, this is just my test post. (Having previously limited my contributions to the Internets to snarky comments on other blogs, I'm hoping to burst onto the Web scene and promptly land a book deal. Because that's how this works, right?) Further posts will be rife with pithy comments and staggering insight.


  1. Dan, if you ever need a personals section, I'm your man:

    "Executive type seeks mate. Enjoys music, conversation, spanking..."

  2. Even though I'm commenting on your "blog", I may be the only person less than 50 with a 2nd grade education that doesn't really know what a "blog" is. But it's probably worth a few diggs and I'll twitter all my friends about it.
    P.S. I do live in Michigan, home of the bleakestonomy. So, if you need any on-site reporting let me know. Also, I can type with an Australian accent if that helps.

  3. I don't know about this, I was looking for a blog with staggering comments and pithy insight.

  4. Dustin -- just caught your offer. It'd be great to have your voice be part of this; drop me an email to info [at] bleakonomy.com
