
Posted between burpings

So, it turns out that new babies throw up.  A lot.  While messy, this does afford one opportunities to read the news while the Better Half mops up.  (For the record, we have each taken our turns.)

Both the Better Half and I were supposed to attend the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, currently taking place in Anaheim.  However, Impending Critter made cross-country travel a little sketchy, so we had to resign our positions.  This doesn't mean we haven't been checking in.  And, unabashed social liberal that I am, I am delighted to see the direction that things are going.  From the Times:
The bishops of the Episcopal Church voted at the church’s convention on Monday to open “any ordained ministry” to gay men and lesbians, a move that could effectively undermine a moratorium on ordaining gay bishops that the church passed at its last convention three years ago.

The resolution passed on Monday was written in a way that would allow dioceses to consider gay candidates to the episcopacy, but does not mandate that all dioceses do so.

A similar measure was passed on Sunday by the church’s other legislative body, the House of Deputies, which is made up of laypeople and clergy. On Tuesday, the bishops’ version will probably go back to the House of Deputies for reconsideration.

It would be something of an understatement to say that I am happy about this.  The moratorium, which was passed under duress three years ago, did nothing to placate the conservative elements in the Episcopal Church.  As the article goes on to say, several of the most conservative dioceses have already split off, and the most strident elements of the worldwide Anglican Communion have kept up their rhetoric of division.

I sincerely wish for unity within the Episcopal Church, and within the Communion as a whole.  But I cannot countenance unity at the expense of justice, and I am delighted to see my church moving toward full inclusion of all baptized Christians, in all orders of ministry.  I hope everyone stays at the table, but I refuse to deny my place there to make other people feel more comfortable.


  1. This is, indeed, wonderful news.

    I'm not sure a split is such a terrible thing, as painful as the process is. Theology and religion are not stagnant, and where there are real and significant differences they should be acknowledged and dealt with honestly.

    On a side note, as a ped, you know intellectually that infants can barf--a lot--it's a different thing when you're on the receiving end of a breast milk/formula missile. Word of advice: light-colored shirts. (BTW--soy formula stains like CRAZY.)

  2. I would be saddened if there were to be a split, even though the people on the other side of the table tend to be very clear that they would like people like me to disappear. The beauty of the Anglican tradition is the ability to worship in community with people who may not agree on much otherwise.

    And yes, I am totally astounded by the sheer volume of baby spew. I keep asking myself how many onesies we need to make it through one day.

  3. this is great news!

    on the baby front, the truly excellent point comes when someone (ideally your partner rather than you) is holding the baby up in the air playing "airplane" and THEN the spew comes. hilarious.

  4. Dan, you are a pediatrician, right? And you didn't know that newborns throw up a lot? I dunno. Ha. Now you get to practice at home what you practice in your practice. My baby is now 10 months, trust me this part is easy, when they start to crawl and poop a lot then things will get really messy.


  5. It's one thing to know. It's another thing to know.
